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Living Environment Innovation Project

Living Environment Innovation (LEI) Project is an interdisciplinary activity the subjects of human activity, sustainable living,living environmental design and planning, environmental management, spatial planning, learning environmental planning, simulation model, education and practice and sustainable development as well as the principles of sustainability.

In the beginning of the 21st century, despite major scientific and technological accomplishments, an increase in spatial and environmental problems in many countries has led to a crisis in living environment and management.

The increasing urbanization of the world coupled with the issues of environmental pollution, resource shortages, global climate changes and economic restructuring demand that a lot of effort will be required in order to make our cities sustainable. Moreover, problems of sustainable planning and management are not restricted to urban areas, since rural areas face serious environmental challenges.

These problems can be resolved by cities becoming efficient habitats, saving resources in a way that improves the quality of living.


Living Environment Innovation (LEI) Project will focus on the aspects of urban design and planning that create sustainable living areas for city residents over the long term, and also that encourage and accommodate the participation of residents in the living environmental planning and management of their cities.

This project is adopted and implemented in the Re-Inventing Japan Project (project of MEXT). In fiscal 2015, assistance was given to projects that implement exchange programs with quality assurance with Latin American countries and universities in Turkey, etc.,
At Chiba University, we will conduct activities with the theme of "Post Urban Living Innovation".

The LEI Project which is a part of PULI is mainly conducted by the department of urban environmental system, and it is done by students of the department. It is also a collaboration project with Veracruz University in Mexico.

本プロジェクトは『大学の世界展開力強化事業(Re-Inventing Japan Project)』(文部科学省において平成23年度から開始された事業)に採用され、実施されるものです。平成27年度は、「中南米等との大学間交流形成支援」として、中南米諸国及びトルコの大学等との間で、質の保証を伴った交流プログラムを実施する事業に対して支援が行われ、千葉大学では「Post Urban Living Innovation」をテーマに活動を行います。
LEI Projectは千葉大学工学部都市環境システム学科 都市環境デザイン研究室が主体となり、同学科の学生達によって行われます。また、メキシコベラクルス州のベラクルス大学と協働のプロジェクトでもあります。
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